Prostatitis Drugs: A Pharmacological Group of Inexpensive and Effective Drugs

Treatments for prostatitis in men can be found in almost every pharmacy. The selection of drug classes and means is impressive in its breadth and variety. However, each drug has different pharmacological effects on the human body, so the selection of a specific type should be made exclusively by a specialist doctor, and the drug selected should be used strictly according to the doctor's prescription.

Medications for Prostatitis

Pharmacology Group of Drugs

The list of drug groups used to treat inflammation of the prostate is as follows:

  1. antibiotic. Their actions are aimed at eliminating microorganisms that have become pathogens of disease. All of these methods are used only when bacterial infection is believed to be the cause of prostatitis. There are three main classes of commonly used antibiotics: penicillins, tetracyclines and fluoroquinolones.
  2. antiviral substancesdrug. They are used when the cause of prostatitis is a viral infection.
  3. alpha blocker. They help to relax the smooth muscle tissue of the prostate and promote the outflow of the patient's urine. They can completely inhibit the activity of the sympathetic nervous system, causing uncontrolled contractions of visceral smooth muscles. Some drugs specifically affect the sympathetic nervous system, stopping its effects only on the prostate.
  4. non-steroidalA drug with anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic properties. This therapy stops the symptoms of prostate inflammation and reduces the tone of the organs and muscles of the perineum.
  5. hormonesdrug. They are designed to treat inflammation, reduce swelling of organs, and normalize the process of excretion of urine.
  6. Phytotherapydosage form. Made with natural plant ingredients. They are an excellent way to reduce inflammation, relieve prostate swelling, and reduce pain and discomfort.

type of drug

Today, in pharmacies, you can buy the following types of medicines, differentiated by the method and place of exposure:

  1. Tablets and CapsulesThe difference between these forms is their structure - the former has a dense consistency, while the latter's structure consists of a gel-like shell and the drug contained within. Both dosage forms are taken orally (by mouth) before, during, or after meals. Also, some medicines require flushing with liquid (water);
  2. Solutions for Injections (Injectables). When using this type of treatment, the drug penetrates into the organs almost immediately. Most commonly administered intramuscularly, although some solutions are administered intravenously;
  3. Candle- This is another effective way to treat prostatitis. The advantage of rectal suppositories is that they are simultaneously antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and analgesic. They are introduced directly into the rectum, at which point the patient should be in the lateral recumbent position for at least another half hour after administration. During this time, the suppository has time to dissolve and be absorbed by the mucosa. The course of treatment is generally 5-10 days;
  4. drip. They are rarely used, only in hospitals. The reason for this is the method of administration, thanks to which the drug is delivered almost to the focal point of inflammation, so the latter passes quickly. The drug is injected through the urethra, which is the male penis, using a catheter. This is only possible under stationary conditions and only by experienced medical personnel;
  5. Micro irrigation- This is another drug used to treat inflammation of the prostate. These dosage forms are based on herbal decoctions, the main advantage of which is the anti-inflammatory effect. Granted, one thing, not all doctors consider this treatment a full-fledged drug. They believe that the microperfusion device is one of the means of alternative medicine and is only suitable for the prevention of prostatitis in men.

Before a diagnosis is made, a doctor prescribes a diagnostic test for the patient and conducts an examination.

The type and treatment options are determined based on the observed symptoms of the disease, the stage of the prostatitis, and how far it has progressed. The treatments and medications used are different for each form of prostate inflammation. It is important to consider the following factors:

  • Men with chronic or acute prostatitis;
  • What pathogen causes the appearance of prostatitis: infection, pathogenic microorganisms;
  • An individual's intolerance to certain drugs or their components.

Next, we briefly describe the drugs used to treat prostate inflammation and their advantages and disadvantages.

most effective medicine

Inflammation of the prostate can cause a lot of discomfort in men with this condition. Even more dangerous are the consequences of prostatitis - impotence, loss of fertility, tumor pathology, spread of inflammatory processes throughout the genitourinary system. Depending on the cause of the disease in each case, a urologist will prescribe the most effective drugs to treat both acute and chronic conditions.

Penicillin antibiotic tablets

This prostatitis drug from the penicillin antibiotic group is available in tablet and powder form for the preparation of injection solutions. It is used to treat infections caused by Gram-positive bacteria. The daily dose of tablet therapy is 2-4 grams per day or 4-8 tablets, 1-2 tablets every 4-6 hours. The course of treatment should not exceed 7-10 days. Dosage regimens are prescribed exclusively by the attending physician.

The following contraindications should be considered during treatment:

  • Renal Failure;
  • Allergic reactions in the form of bronchial asthma and their complications;
  • Enterocolitis on the background of antibiotics.

During use, side effects such as indigestion, allergic reactions, and urogenital diseases may occur.


This is probably the most effective drug for prostatitis among the sulfonamides available today. It acts on Gram-negative and Gram-positive bacteria, as well as certain types of protozoa. The drug is so effective that the symptoms of the disease disappear after 10-12 days after the start of treatment.

The course of treatment takes at least 3 weeks. Treatment options depend on the severity of the disease (chosen by your doctor) and look like this:

  • 1/2 tablet at night;
  • 1 tablet at night;
  • One tablet in the morning and one in the evening.

To stimulate the metabolism of the prostate tissue, regular sex is recommended during this process.

side effect:

  • diarrhea;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • tremor;
  • headache and dizziness;
  • allergy;
  • Rarely have cardiovascular disease, hepatitis.

Contraindications to taking the drug are renal and hepatic insufficiency, diseases of the hematopoietic system, thyroid pathology, individual intolerance.

Another significant disadvantage is the high cost.


Homeopathy is available in the form of lozenges and is used as an analgesic and anti-inflammatory. Eliminates swelling and normalizes prostate function, positively affects urodynamics and reduces dysuria.

The drug has contraindications:

  • personal intolerance;
  • necrosis of glandular tissue;
  • neoplastic disease of the prostate.

The course of treatment is about 4 months. It is recommended to take 2 tablets at the same time, separate the time of taking the medicine with meals. They dissolve in the mouth and take 2 times a day, before and after bedtime. If symptoms are severe, you can take the tablet up to 4 times a day. If necessary, repeat the course of treatment after 1-4 months of rest.

plant preparation

This botanical preparation is used to prevent dysuria in chronic prostatitis. Its main active ingredient is the alcoholic extract of palm saba fruit. This medicine is available in capsule form, which contains a liquid with a characteristic odor. Correct urination disturbance and dysuria caused by prostatitis.

Take 1 capsule daily with a meal. The duration of the course of treatment is determined by the attending physician. Contraindications for use - individual intolerance, very few side effects may appear in the form of hypersensitivity, stomach pain.

Immunomodulators with anti-inflammatory effects

This medicine acts as an immunomodulatory agent with anti-inflammatory effects. The drug increases the body's resistance to infectious diseases, stimulates the activity of macrophages, neutrophils, which leads to the normalization of the state of tissues and organs. This tool can be combined with antibiotic treatment procedures.

The suppository for the treatment of prostatitis is used 2 times a day, 1 tablet on the first day of treatment and then 1 tablet on the next day. The duration of the course depends on the intensity of the inflammatory process, with an average of 10-15 suppositories.

The drug is compatible with other drugs and no cases of overdose with this drug have been recorded. Contraindications for use - individual intolerance, side effects such as allergic reactions rarely occur.

dietary supplements for men

BAA contains in its composition a complex of vitamins, minerals and plant extracts:

  • nettle root;
  • African plum skin;
  • ginseng root;
  • Ginkgo biloba;
  • The fruit of the dwarf palm.

This balanced composition improves the general condition of the entire body, especially the urogenital system, prevents excessive enlargement of prostate tissue, reduces swelling, and reduces the effects of dysuria.

This product is available in capsule form, take 1 tablet per month, with a meal. If necessary, the course can be repeated after 3 months. The drug is well tolerated and is not recommended for hyperthyroidism, tachycardia, hypertension, and insomnia.

In the face of problems like prostatitis, don't get upset in advance. It is necessary to consult a doctor urgently, to pass all the necessary tests and to carry out a comprehensive examination. Based on this data, urologists will be able to prescribe appropriate and effective treatments.